Business and Sales


Showing 3376–3398 of 3398 results

Business and Sales courses include :

  1. Introduction to Business: This course provides a broad overview of the fundamentals of business, including topics such as business structures, management principles, economics, and finance. It serves as a foundation for more specialized business courses.
  2. Marketing Management: This course focuses on the principles and strategies of marketing, including market research, consumer behavior, product development, pricing, and promotion. Students learn how to develop effective marketing plans and campaigns to reach target audiences.
  3. Sales Techniques: This course explores the art and science of selling. It covers various aspects of the sales process, including prospecting, negotiation, relationship-building, and closing deals. Students learn how to identify customer needs, overcome objections, and build long-term customer relationships.
  4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This course emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships with customers. It covers topics such as customer retention, customer loyalty programs, and leveraging technology to manage customer interactions effectively.
  5. Business Communication: Effective communication is crucial in the business world. This course teaches students how to communicate clearly and persuasively in various business contexts, including presentations, written communication, and interpersonal skills.
  6. Business Ethics: In this course, students explore ethical considerations in business decision-making. Topics covered may include corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical leadership.
  7. Strategic Management: This course focuses on developing skills in strategic thinking and planning. Students learn how to analyze business environments, formulate effective strategies, and make informed decisions to achieve long-term organizational goals.
  8. Financial Management: This course provides an understanding of financial principles and practices. It covers topics such as financial analysis, budgeting, risk management, and investment decision-making.


Robert Kiyosaki: Robert Kiyosaki is an American businessman, investor, author, and motivational speaker. Courses of Robert Kiyosaki:Rich Dad Education, Rich Dad Stock Education, Rich Dad Real Estate Workshops…
Brian Solis: Brian Solis is an American author, digital analyst, keynote speaker, and business strategist.  Courses of Brian Solis: Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, What's the Future of Business…
Jay Abraham: Jay Abraham is an American business consultant, author, and speaker known for his expertise in marketing, business growth strategies, and sales. Courses of Jay Abraham: Strategic Business Consultant, Marketing and Sales Expertise, Unique Perspective on Business Growth…
Tom Peters: Tom Peters is an American author, consultant, and speaker known for his influential work in the field of management and business excellence. Courses of Tom Peters: Business Excellence and Leadershi, In Search of Excellence, Keynote Speaker and Consultan…
Ken Blanchard: Ken Blanchard is an American author, speaker, and management expert known for his influential work in the field of leadership and organizational development. Courses of Ken Blanchard: The One Minute Manager, Situational Leadership, Blanchard's Leadership Philosophy…
John Kotter: John Kotter is an American author, speaker, and professor known for his influential work in the field of leadership and change management. Courses of John Kotter: Leading Change, Accelerate, XLR8…
Marcus Buckingham: Marcus Buckingham is a British-American author, speaker, and management consultant known for his expertise in talent management and strengths-based leadership. Courses of Marcus Buckingham: StandOut Performance, Strengths-Based Leadership, High-Performance Team Development…
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne: W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne are renowned management thinkers, professors, and authors known for their groundbreaking work on business strategy and innovation. Courses of W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy Executive Education Programs, Blue Ocean Strategy Workshops, Customized Consulting and Advisory Services…

Seth Godin: Seth Godin is an influential American author, entrepreneur, and marketing expert. Courses of Seth Godin: altMBA, The Marketing Seminar, Freelancer Course…
Suze Orman: Suze Orman is a well-known personal finance expert, author, and television host. Courses of Suze Orman: Financial Advice and Media Appearances, “The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom,” “The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke,” and “Women & Money…

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