Health and Medical


Showing 3676–3750 of 3831 results

Health and Medical courses include :

  1. Medicine and Medical Sciences: These courses cover a wide range of topics related to human health and medical practice. They may include subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, biochemistry, and clinical skills. Medicine courses are typically pursued by those who want to become physicians or other medical professionals.
  2. Nursing and Allied Health: Nursing courses focus on providing students with the knowledge and skills to become registered nurses (RNs) or other nursing professionals. Allied health courses encompass a variety of healthcare professions such as medical assisting, physical therapy assisting, radiology technology, respiratory therapy, and more. These courses equip students with the necessary skills to work as part of a healthcare team.
  3. Public Health: Public health courses focus on understanding and addressing health issues at the population level. They cover topics such as epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, health policy, community health promotion, and disease prevention. Public health professionals work to improve the overall health and well-being of communities.
  4. Health Administration and Management: These courses are designed for individuals interested in the business and management aspects of healthcare organizations. Topics covered may include healthcare economics, healthcare policy, healthcare marketing, organizational behavior, healthcare finance, and strategic planning. Health administration courses prepare individuals for careers in healthcare management, healthcare consulting, or healthcare administration.
  5. Medical Research and Biomedical Sciences: Courses in medical research and biomedical sciences focus on research methodologies, data analysis, laboratory techniques, and scientific writing. These courses prepare individuals for careers in medical research, academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, or other research-focused settings.
  6. Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Courses in alternative and complementary medicine explore non-traditional approaches to health and healing. They may cover topics such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic care, naturopathy, and holistic health practices. These courses are often pursued by individuals interested in alternative healthcare modalities.


Dr. Kellyann Petrucci: Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, also known as Dr. Kellyann, is a naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, and author specializing in weight loss, anti-aging, and natural healing. Courses of Dr. Kellyann Petrucci: The Bone Broth Diet Online Program, The 10-Day Belly Slimdown Online Program, The Cleanse and Reset Program…
Dr. Peter D'Adamo : Dr. Peter D'Adamo is a naturopathic physician and author known for his work in the field of personalized nutrition based on blood type. Courses of Dr. Dr. Peter D'Adamo: Cook Right for Your Type,” and “Live Right for Your Type…
Dr. Anna Cabeca: Dr. Anna Cabeca is a renowned women's health expert, gynecologist, and author who focuses on hormonal balance, sexual health, and overall well-being. Courses of Dr. Anna Cabeca: The Hormone Fix Program, Sexual CPR Program, The Keto-Green Way Program…
Dr. Stephanie Estima: Dr. Stephanie Estima is a chiropractor, author, and speaker who specializes in women's health, hormones, and metabolism. Courses of Dr. Stephanie Estima: The Estima Diet, Hormone Intelligence, The Estima Method…
Dr. Gabriel Cousens: Dr. Gabriel Cousens is a renowned holistic physician, author, and spiritual teacher who focuses on integrative medicine, nutrition, and natural healing. Courses of Dr. Gabriel Cousens: Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center Programs, Live-Food Certification Program, Live-Food Certification Program…
Dr. Robin Berzin – Parsley Health
Dr. Izabella Wentz: Dr. Izabella Wentz, also known as “The Thyroid Pharmacist,” is a pharmacist, author, and advocate for individuals with thyroid conditions. Courses of Dr. Izabella Wentz: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause” and “Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back.”…
Dr. Avi Loeb: Dr. Avi Loeb is an astrophysicist and professor at Harvard University. Courses of Dr. Avi Loeb: Lectures and Presentations, Lectures and Presentations, Scientific Publications…
Dr. Steven Masley: Dr. Steven Masley is a physician, nutritionist, and author specializing in preventive health, aging, and cardiovascular disease. Courses of Dr. Steven Masley: “The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up,” “Smart Fat,” and “The Better Brain Solution…
Dr. Mark Hyman: Dr. Mark Hyman is a physician, bestselling author, and advocate for functional medicine and holistic health. Courses of Dr. Mark Hyman: The Broken Brain Masterclass, The Fat Summit, The Eat Fat, Get Thin Course…

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