Seductive Storytelling – Bobby Rio



Seductive Storytelling – Bobby Rio


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Seductive Storytelling – Bobby Rio is a digital course. You can access to learn every time. We can make the most of our free time. Let combining study and work, or balance with daily life becomes much simpler at!

Seductive Storytelling – Bobby Rio

Attention! In the letter below you’re going to learn a handful of “conversation secrets” that can turn you into a “smooth” and confident seducer almost overnight (even if you’re usually shy or boring)…

“Hijack A Woman’s Attention with Words…”

Discover Exactly What She Wants To Hear: Create Heart Pounding Arousal and INTENSE Emotional Connections…

(As easily as you read this letter)


What if I told you there was a way to get a girl, ANY GIRL, so obsessed with what you were saying that she wouldn’t want to look away even once while you are talking to her?

What if you could eliminate all the other guys in the picture AND make her feel an intense connection to YOU…all while staying completely under her radar?

What if you knew how to make her feel comfortable enough to talk about kinky, sexual stuff with you… (and turned on enough to actually DO the sexual things you got her to reveal to you)?

What if you could do all this by mastering one simple skill?


This is Truly One of The Biggest GAME CHANGERS I Have Ever Come Across…

And now I want to share it with you.

I’ve perfected the art of seductive story so that I am certain that if you tell a story in exactly the right way, you can make a girl lust for you and desire you beyond her control…

No, this is not magic or some sort of Jedi-mind trick or hypnosis. It’s very simple to learn and even simpler to use.

And it works. Here’s why:

When ANYONE, including an insanely attractive girl, hears a good story, they let their guard down…they chill out and kinda absorb whatever ideas are in the story without even thinking about it

Through trial and error and tons of testing, I came up with a list of words, themes and storytelling techniques that can create burning hot desire and sexual chemistry with any girl.

And best of all, when you use these themes and words, she’ll think that she’s just listening to a good story. She won’t even be aware that she is being seduced

Think about it (it makes sense, right?): Everyone likes a good story.

I can show you how to tell stories that will make a girl FEEL emotions like lust, passion, and attraction FOR YOU. She won’t be able to decide not to feel it, just like if she was sitting there watching a really good movie.

Picture This:

You come up to the hottest girl in the room (or bar or coffee shop or sidewalk…).

She’s a bit skeptical…and she’s expecting a certain series of lines or maybe a desperate phone number request.

After some casual, no-pressure back and forth banter, you tell her one of the fail-proof story hooks that I taught you.

Two minutes later, she’s concentrating totally on you, making eye contact (almost staring at you), laughing (really laughing, not just being polite), and moving a little bit closer to you (not because she’s trying to hear, but because she is intensely interested what you are saying).

Imagine the feeling of KNOWING that she is totally hooked, KNOWING that she has already decided to give you her phone number, and KNOWING that she is already thinking about going to bed with you.

And all you did was tell her a really, really good story.

Get Seductive Storytelling – Bobby Rio, Only Price $19

When She Hears Your Story, She WILL Want You… Uncontrollably…

I’ve created this course to show you how to make storytelling the most powerful tool you will ever use to have girls begging to spend time with you (and WANTING YOU).

Here are just a few of the skills that you’ll learn…

  • How to use basic storytelling skills to grab her interest RIGHT AWAY so that she won’t even have the chance to get bored or to start looking for an excuse to stop talking with you
  • 15 “Plugin-In” Templates: Use our templates to quickly create a reportoire of seductive stories you can begin using immediately… (Dominate ANY social situation and command the attention of the group)
  • Exactly what to say to spark her desire so that she will start thinking about you in a sexual way right from the start.
  • How to use characters and themes to show her what qualities you want her to have and to make her feel like she can be completely comfortable talking about intimate, sexual, and even kinky stuff with you.
  • 5 types of stories to immediately eliminate from your tool box- without knowing it you’re coming across as “try hard” every time you tell one of these stories.
  • How to use gestures, body language, eye contact and voice levels to flirt with her during the story so that she is primed to be influenced by your special seductive story techniques.
  • How to use different themes (I’ll teach you 24) so that you can create a seductive story for any situation. You’ll never have to miss an opportunity to hook a hot girl.
  • How to use one of my nine tested and proven “master plots.” You can use these toget her to respond exactly the way that you want and you can make your stories super personal (as long as you follow my plot guideline) so she knows a lot about you without you having to tell her your life story.
  • How to introduce the idea of sex into the story without looking awkward or creepy.
  • When (exactly) you should use humor, and how you can learn from the way she responds to the joke what she thinks of you.
  • How to use surprise to hook her into the story and to keep her eyes glued to you until the very end.
  • I’ll also teach you the basics of storytelling, including all the skills that you’ll need to tell great stories and keep people fascinated in any life situation, not only with girls.
  • How you can multi-purpose a good story so that you can change it a little bit to fit in with the situation you are in. If you understand this, you can find one story that really makes girls desire you and then learn how to use it in any situation.
  • STEAL Our Stories- don’t feel like crafting your own… simply adjust the dozens of examples we provide to fit your own life… use our simple template to turn our stories into YOURS
  • How to create an emotional connection so that she feels uncontrollable desire for you even if her “logical side” is telling her not to.
  • How to subtly put sexual themes into your story so that she will STOP seeing you as a friend and immediately start seeing you as someone she wants to go to bed with. This is one of the best ways to permanently escape the friend zone (even if you have been in her friend zone for a long time).
  • Special stories to use on a first date to make her instantly lust after you and beg you to spend more time with her.
  • How to use under-the-radar themes and plots to change a casual conversation into a sexually charged encounter without having her realize what is happening.
  • Influence her on an emotional level so that SHE is the one who is chasing you, asking for your phone number, for a date, and trying to get you into bed.
  • 3 Element System for Flawless Storytelling: This simple system will quickly hold her attention hostage
  • #1 Type of story for generating an “attractive persona”
  • How to use a “Teaser Sentence” to get her in the right mindset for your story, and have her anticipating what coming next (this makes your job much easier) – Will teach you simple formula for crafting these sentences.
  • 5 Attractive Character Traits to slip into every story
  • A simple phrase you can add that “baits” her into wanting to hear more she’ll practically beg you to keep talking as her attraction for you is swelling
  • “Invisible Threads”: A simple way to steer and direct a conversation to any topic you wan
  • NEVER display any of these 9 attraction killing traits in a story (you’re probably displaying at least three without realizing it… and you’re definitely losing girls because of it)
  • “Cool Vulnarabily” How to craft your stories to project this desirable attitude women can’t resist.
  • How to display MASSIVE CHARISMA using a simple formula we discovered that positions you as a celebrity she can’t keep her eyes off of.
  • 5 Cut and Paste templates to quickly develop stories on the fly
  • Seductive Thread Jacking: How to make HER feel like she’s the funny and charming (making her slowly associate those feelings to YOU)
  • 2 Killers of a Good story and how to avoid them like the plague
  • Add these 7“Seductive Details” to every day stories: These are the single biggest ingredient to have her feeling her pounding arrousal.
  • Our questionaire to help you draw stories from your own experiences
  • How to improvise stories

The Human Brain is Hard-Wired to Seek out and be Seduced by Good Stories…

Think about this for a second…

Stories circulate human beings all of the time…correct books, movies, and TV indicates can extrade the manner you feel. So it makes best feel that you could use testimonies to convey sure emotions (I’m speaking lust and desire) out of women.

You are probable unwell of dropping out to men who you observed are richer or higher searching or greater assured than you. I’ll inform you proper now, maximum of those men do not know how to inform seductive testimonies.

That’s why that is this sort of sport changer.

Yeah, it is true. If you grasp seductive storytelling, you may be gambling a very exclusive sport – a sport that offers you the brink and offers you the first-class threat for success.

Other men may be those thinking what the hell you probably did to get that unbelievably horny lady to move domestic with you.

But come on man, you may not allow them to in to your secret, will you? Seducing women with testimonies is YOUR GAME CHANGER.

Take a Second to Imagine…

  • Dates that effortlessly flow from casual conversation in a coffee shop… to her whispering needily that she wants to go back to your place RIGHT NOW.
  • Having girls from your office or class constantly around you, fighting for the chance to talk to you.
  • Standing around at a party with girls surrounding you, hanging on your every word, treating you like you’re some sort of celebrity (while other guys jealously try to figure out your secret).
  • Transforming even the most ordinary encounter with a hot girl in a bar into a sexually charged, elicit, and borderline x-rated conversation that turns her on and has her dying to go home with you.

This is not the type of stuff that you put out there and hope that she likes. Once you become a master of seductive storytelling, you can expect that she will want you after she hears your stories.


What’s next?

You could go out right now and try to use this idea to get more girls.

Yes, you may figure it out…eventually. Or you may get lucky the first time.

I tested a lot of stories, a lot of themes, a lot of theories before I came up with the kind of fool-proof, ultra-effective story strategies that I will teach you about in this program.

So yes, you can take the trial and error route….

But why put yourself through that? Why risk blowing it with a girl you really like because you used an untested story on her and she got offended?

Why waste the next three or four years (or longer) trying to find the perfect stories for seducing girls when you can go through my course and start using storytelling to make girls horny for you TONIGHT?

I have tested everything I teach you in Seductive Storytelling.

I know that it will work for you.

And I Guarantee – For all Full 60 Days You’ll Love Seductive Storytelling….

Go through the program for 60 days…. We’ll show you how to “sneak in under her radar” using stories that excite her, capture her attention, and have her spilling out her most intimate sexual desires to you.

And we’ll reveals how to use stories as weapons to get sexual, connect with her, have her falling in love with you…

And more importantly, you’ll never run out of things to sayor come across as dull and boring again.

And as always, when you love Seductive Storytelling, just keep this program. No pressure ever. If you don’t, simply email me… use our easy customer support help desk… We’ll refund your investment with no questions asked.

The choice is now yours:

YES, Rob and Bobby- I’m ready to use Seductive Storytelling to creating an intense bond and connection with her, slip sexual thoughts into her mind, and fully capture her attention. And I’m ready to make sure that I have the power to lead every conversation towards connection, attraction, and sex.All for $49.00. Please add all of the following to my Unlock Her Legs Order for IMMEDIATE ACCESS:

  • The Seductive Storytelling Workshop Videos – over 6 hours of step by step and word for word techniques for crafting stories for almost every situation
  • Discover the Secret Elements of a Story That Turn Her On – for using these stories when approaching a new girl, out on a date, or back at your place right before making your move… Stories for every situation (so you never mess up when you’re alone with her…)
  • I’ll Discover Stories for Every Type of Situation so I never come across as boring, dull, or inexperienced. And I’ll get it all for a very discounted price when I order now.
  • Sneak in Completely Under Her Radar: Use stories this special type of storytelling to seduce her without her realizing what’s going on… She’ll think it was her idea.

Try it Risk Free for 60 Days

Look, I have total confidence in this program. Everything in Seductive Storytelling is covered by an unconditional, no-hassle, no fine print 60-day money back guarantee

I’ve worked hard to make this course absolutely perfect. I know that the seduction techniques I teach will work and I’m completely confident that you will be able to seduce girls with them.

That’s right: I’m 100% certain that if you do exactly what I will teach you in Seductive Storytelling, you will get more dates (with the kind hot girls that you really want) or more sex, or you’ll finally make that one girl that you’ve always wanted totally and hopelessly attracted to you.

If you are not excited by the powerful seduction techniques in this course, I’ll refund every penny of the purchase price. I’ll even give you two full months to try it out.

This means you can examine the entire course for 8 weeks. You can go out and test what I teach you for yourself. If you aren’t happy for any reason, I’ll give you a complete refund, no questions asked.

Honestly though, the only problem I can foresee is guys not being ready for how effective this stuff is.

Get Started!

Say you get my course and go through it and learn the techniques and then decide to go out and give it a try, thinking “Bobby’s written some really useful stuff in the past, and this whole storytelling thing makes sense, so I’m going to go out, try to find a girl, and just see how it goes.”

Hold on! This stuff is more effective than you think.

You might not be ready to have a girl physically hanging off you, trying to kiss you in front of everyone, asking (begging) you to take her back to your place or not taking no for an answer when she asks for your phone number. Some guys aren’t ready for that kind of quick escalation.

That’s one reason why I give you the 60-day guarantee. Then you have time to take it slower, if you want. But if you are frustrated and you want to change your luck RIGHT AWAY, you can immerse yourself in this course and totally go for it.

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